L'Amour Brûlant du Cœur Publisher IQueryable

L'Amour Brûlant du Cœur Publisher IQueryable

About the book prompt

Write an emotional romance novel about a handsome, intelligent, charismatic and long Syrian man from the coastal city of Jableh (deepen the description of the city, its people, its streets, its public figures and its social atmosphere) who left his country for study. First, he lived in Montpellier and Paris. He arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland (speaking of the city, its landmarks, morning and evening). He identified a beautiful tribal Algerian woman with glamour and her eyes shining from the city of Bejaya (deepen the description of the city, its people, its streets, its public figures and its social atmosphere) and married a Swiss man known locally for working in Swiss local politics with a girl and boy. Their first meeting was when the evening greeted him on a night of Ramadan. They then went for a night walk together that lasted until morning. The next day they had inflammatory sex. I love her smell. The two fall in love. Love turned into a inflamed sexual gram