The Unseen Fear: a Journey of Emetophobia

#phobia #trauma #coping
21 September 2023

The Unseen Fear: a Journey of Emetophobia

#phobia #trauma #coping
21 September 2023

About the book prompt

a 5 year old little girl growing up in queens NY who finds a bath bubble bead under her bedroom radiador after a playdate with friends. Child finds it sticks it her mouth like all children like to do. Accidently swallows it, tells her mom and they rush to the emergency room where they pumped the child's stomach. The uncontrollable vomit sessions left her traumatized for the rest of her life by the very thought of vomit. In her late teens she finds a coworker that is also afraid of all things pertaining to vomit.. the coworker shows her websites on Emetophobia and opened up her eyes to a whole new world of not being alone in this. She is now 43, married and living in southern california, still struggling with the thought of it everyday, hoping she never has to see, hear or actually vomit every again. Living with this has brought on so much anxiety for everyday life but she is happy and finds joy in everyday.